AVA Petition

"Today there is a new area that may even capture the hearts of some Burgundy lovers. Sure, Burgundian backers may guffaw, but they should look at this new region, the Petaluma Gap. It’s a serious player. At this early stage, even before the name has been widely recognized, the word is out…”

The Petaluma Gap AVA was approved by the TTB on December 7, 2017 and went into effect on January 8, 2018.

In February 2015, we submitted a petition to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) to establish the Petaluma Gap as a formally recognized American Viticultural Area (AVA). Preparation of the AVA petition was a complex process that involved extensive technical analysis and legal support.

A PDF map showing the boundaries of the Petaluma Gap AVA is available for download HERE.

The steps in the petition process are:

  • TTB initial review for completeness: COMPLETED (March 4, 2015)
  • TTB detailed analysis:  COMPLETED (March 2016)
  • Proposed rulemaking:  PUBLISHED (October 28, 2016)
  • Public comment:  COMPLETED (October 28 – December 27, 2016)
  • Final rulemaking: PUBLISHED (December 7, 2017)
  • Effective Date: January 8, 2018


Follow this link to see the original Petition to Establish the Petaluma Gap as an official American Viticultural Area.

Considerable financial support was required to prepare the AVA petition and navigate the TTB review process. We are grateful to the following generous contributors for helping to advance our efforts to become an official AVA.

Silver Level ($1,000 to $2,500)

Contributor Level ($100 to $499)